Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Really Weird Magic

I went to see Penn & Teller the other night at the Rio in Las Vegas, where they have their own theater. I've always loved these guys, even the horrible movie "Penn & Teller Get Killed," and their stage shows are amazing: lots of libertarian hoo-hah  mixed with sex and gore and no-holds-barred humor. The production company working on the L.A. Bizarro-based reality show also does Penn & Teller's Bullshit on Showtime, so I got a sweet seat dead center about 5 rows back.  The show was mind-boggling. But that's not what my story is about.

After the show, I went out to the lobby to meet the guys (they rush out to the lobby to take pictures, sign autographs, and shake just about everyone's hand) and to buy their Bill of Right Security Card (go to from more info). I had them each autograph the card, then took a self-portrait with Teller by holding  the camera at arm's length (despite a room full of folks willing to take the photo), and then went and did the same with Penn.

Contented, I left the theater and checked out the photos. Both were there, along with one more--of Teller, smiling into the camera. Keep in mind he never touched my camera, nor did anyone else in the room, and I did not accidentally press the button. This was a medium close-up of Teller (and only Teller)  looking into the lens and smiling. I was floored. Where did the shot come from? How did he get it on my camera? Was this another one of their impossible tricks. I soon forgot about when I set my mind to losing some money at Roulette.

When I arrived home tonight, I showed Randi my metal Bill of Rights, along with the two photos of myself with Penn & Teller, plus the third mystery photo of Teller--except Teller has disappeared. The frame is still there, at the same picture number, but Teller is simply gone and the frame is solid black.

Either that was a good acid flashback or the best vanishing act i've ever seen. Or not seen.

Anyone care to explain it to me? I'm all ears....

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